
Guillotine Smart Board Safe


$ 420.00

Guillotine Smart Wooden Case and Mounting Options

Guillotine is a brand that offers robustness, functionality and aesthetic designs in smart board solutions. Guillotine Smart Board Case and Mounting Options offer flexibility and high performance to users, providing a solution-oriented experience in the modern educational and business world.

Height Adjustable Mobile Stand: Guillotine Smart Board provides flexibility and portability with height adjustable mobile stand option. This stand allows users to easily adjust the smart board to the desired height. It can be conveniently transported in classrooms, meeting rooms or offices and adapts to various use cases.


Height Adjustable Wall Mounting: Guillotine Smart Board offers users the possibility of integration into the wall with the height adjustable wall mounting option. This option is ideal for classrooms, meeting rooms or private study areas. The ability to be mounted on the wall contributes to the best use of the space and ensuring order.


Non-Adjustable Mobile Stand: The Guillotine Smart Board offers simplicity and durability with the non-adjustable mobile stand option. This mobile stand is ideal for those who prefer to use it in a fixed position on the board. The fact that it is movable allows you to easily move the board in different areas.


Fixed Wall Mounting: Guillotine Smart Board offers a modern and stylish design with fixed wall mounting option. This mounting option allows the smart board to remain in a fixed position and is especially suitable for continuous use in a specific area. Integration into the wall provides more space for movement in the space.


Guillotine stands out with its Smart Wooden Case and Mounting Options, durability, flexibility and user-friendly designs. It is an ideal option for providing an effective digital experience in the modern educational and business world.

Hızlı. Güçlü. Sağlam.

Jedi Akıllı Tahta

"Yerli AR-GE'nin Gücüyle Jedi Akıllı Tahta, Teknolojideki İleri Adımlarıyla Geleceği Şekillendiriyor. Her Zaman Performans, Güvenilirlik ve Yenilik Sunan Jedi, Eğitim ve İş Dünyasına Öncülük Ediyor."