
Video Card


$ 160.00

Touch Video Cards: Effective Communication and Immersive Experience

Touch video cards, which are an important way to reach and interact with customers today, are an excellent option to make your brand stand out and impress your customers in an amazing way. This innovative technology brings the brand experience to the top by making your invitations more effective and memorable with video message catalogs.



·         Video Message Catalogs:

·         Touch video cards offer customers the opportunity to listen and watch your video messages. This interactive experience is a powerful tool for communicating your information more effectively.

·         Amazing Invitations

·         With special design options, you can make your touch video cards immersive and full of surprises from the very beginning. You can use creative designs to make your invitations unforgettable.

·         Special Designs and Support:

·         Expert teams that offer support to you at every stage help you create custom-designed touch-sensitive video cards for your brand. Your creative ideas combine with the experience of our experts to produce impressive results.

·         Light Weight, High Quality and Long Service Life:

·         Touch video cards are made of lightweight and high-quality materials. Thanks to their durability, they offer long-lasting use and increase the prestige of your brand.


Flexible Content Exchange:

The ability to change video content at any time allows you to keep your campaigns up to date. This flexibility allows you to constantly stay in touch with your target audience.


A Variety of Buttons and Video Playback:

By adding different buttons on touch video cards, you can provide different video playback on each button. This feature allows you to offer customer-specific experiences.


Customizable Memory and Battery Life:

The memory and battery life of your touch video cards can be customized according to your needs. In this way, the usage time and storage capacity are completely under your control.

As an interactive and innovative marketing tool, touch video cards are a great way to tell the story of your brand to customers in the most striking way. You can use this technology to create unforgettable experiences and increase customer loyalty.

Hızlı. Güçlü. Sağlam.

Jedi Akıllı Tahta

"Yerli AR-GE'nin Gücüyle Jedi Akıllı Tahta, Teknolojideki İleri Adımlarıyla Geleceği Şekillendiriyor. Her Zaman Performans, Güvenilirlik ve Yenilik Sunan Jedi, Eğitim ve İş Dünyasına Öncülük Ediyor."